About me.

My name is Francisco Andaur and I am a full-stack web developer with a background in the service industry, where I worked for the past decade. At the beginning of 2020, I was accepted to a fellowship through Tech Talent Pipeline, which was an immersive Full-Time Software Engineering program at Flatiron School in NY. Overcoming the challenging transition from a classroom setting to working remotely, in addition to the events of 2020, mentally prepared me for a shift into this tech field. Coming from the service industry, my skills came in handy both in my learning and in adapting to this life-changing period. The Web Development Fellowship lasted about six months. It was very fast-paced, which is the kind of environment I thrive in. A recent graduate and full-stack web developer, I enjoy the artistic aspect of developing an idea from the ground up and meeting deadlines I set for myself. I have a strong passion for debugging, UI, and clean code. I'm looking for a way to grow and improve; always ready and willing to learn new things. I'm highly organized and personable. My extensive experience providing exceptional customer service has informed my work and offers me an advantage in the field as I am adept at both problem-solving and developing human connections through technology.

HTML5CSSJAVASCRIPTRubyRuby On RailsNode.jsReactFlutterGatsby.jsGraphQLSQLPOSTGRESQLSQLITEPythonGit

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