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Dev Dream

Web app for users to log their dreams, comment on other users’ dreams, and make personal connections with others.

● Implemented hooks in order to take advantage of functional components optimizations and cleaner code. ● Combined and JavaScript to provide a user-friendly experience / dark-mode. ● Developed complex self-referential relationships to add dreams, comment on dreams, and link dreams to specific users

JavascriptReactRuby on RailsGrommet.ioHTMLCSS

Event Generator

A user fills in a form with their date of birth to see a list of historical events on their birthday since birth.

● Learned and implemented UIKit for design and a beautiful and minimal user interface. ● Utilized JSON Web token to store encrypted user information client-side. ● Fetched external API for current events.

JavascriptHTMLCSSUIKITRuby on Rails

Komorebi - 木漏れ日

Keep track of water intake on plants and catalog them in your virtual garden.

● Accelerated deployment of website, by using style frameworks such as, Bootstrap, and custom CSS. ● Researched and used complicated relationship models to organize gardens and link plants to specific users. ● Utilized Authentication and Validations to keep users logged in through the entire web app.

Ruby on RailsHTMLCSSBulma.ioBootstrap


Art posting web app. Upload images, tag them, and filter art by tags.

● All components of the website were designed using custom CSS and UIKit to allow rapid deployment. ● Researched and implemented complicated relationship models to link art to specific tags, and link art to specific users. ● Utilized Authentication and Validations to keep users logged in through the entire web app.


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